Tell-tale signs it’s time for a rewire.
It doesn’t matter if you are superstitious or skeptical about the supernatural. That flickering light at the bottom of the hallway stairs could signify that it is time to rewire your home. There are quite a few signs that your home needs to be reviewed by an electrician. We have a list so you can call your local electrician rather than your nearest seance service if your home is ready for wiring.
Dim and Flicker Older homes may require that your wiring be inspected periodically, usually every two to three years. If you didn’t know this, your house might need some TLC. You may notice a slight shock when you turn on your light, a flickering overhead, or a sudden darkening in a dimly lit area; these are all signs of an electrical problem.
Shock value you can see the wiring in your home as a sign that you need to hire an expert.
Power Tripping, We are not talking about politics, but older homes tend to have their power circuits cut off when they become overloaded. When one of our older electrics was being pushed too hard by one of our children, I can recall my parents running to the fuse box in panic. They added a hairdryer and a toaster to ensure the cycle time was the same as the washing machines. Modern houses and those rewired to Australian standards will likely have multiple circuits. This means your electrics won’t suffer overload problems. It is time to contact residential electricians if you have a lot of tripped fuses at your house or business.
Ambitious DIY It’s easy to overspend on a home purchase, especially an older home, and this can lead to a temptation to cut corners. This is true for painting and plastering, but you can also cut corners on landscaping and other chores. A qualified electrician for all electrical work would be best, and safety is paramount.
Timing is essential to verify the date of the last electrical rewiring. If unsure, consult an expert to get an estimate before signing the contract. An inspection by a residential electrician will reveal the age of the wiring, as well as whether additional work is required to make the house safe. This could help you save some serious money when renovating your home.